We prayed, we kvelled, we schmoozed and Zoomed, and then we ate.  Rabbi Jan Katz led an inspirational service enhanced by the beautiful cantorial melodies sung by Melody Funk accompanied by Joel Funk.  Our own talented TBI member, John McArthur, sang and strummed many of the traditional prayers to round out the service.  The morning was filled with joy and reflection and culminated in the presentation of the annual TBI Mitzvah award to Karen Lukeman, a dedicated member of the Board of Directors, Membership Chair, and a valued member of the Interim Steering Committee.  Karen has worked tirelessly, whether at home in Bristol, traveling around the world, or wintering in Mexico, to increase the membership of TBI as well as attending to a wealth of responsibilities that keep our “little temple that could” moving forward.  Karen also had the honor to address the congregation with a review of the past year before turning the microphone over to Stu Needleman to make announcements and the presentation of the Mitzvah award to Karen, which took her by complete surprise.  Yasher Koach to Karen, may you continue to go from strength to strength, whether in pursuit of your dreams or your commitments to TBI.  Todah Rabah!

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