Unearthing Lost Treasures at TBI

My name is Barbara Katz.  I am one of the 5 members of the Interim Steering Committee, and I am delighted to offer today’s announcements and to share some news about changes here in our sanctuary.  First, a huge thank you to Jim and David Lurie for donating two custom-made side tables for the bimah. These beautiful tables replace 2 older tables that provide a much-needed place for our Torah adornments and other items.

Second, I want to tell you about a wonderful discovery I made during the installation of our new sound system when I noticed three framed, hand-calligraphied documents describing significant donations that were made over the last 30 years to enhance our sanctuary.  These documents are a tribute to the history that has helped shape our sacred space.

The oldest document, from 1992, is the story of our beautiful ark curtain.  It was designed and hand crafted by 17 women who gave of their time and talents to adorn the ark in a meaningful way.  The story behind the crafting is as follows:

The middle document commemorates the dedication of the Sanctuary Windows in 2010 in remembrance of beloved family of TBI members.

The document on the far right commemorates the installation of the previous Sound System that was installed in September 1994 in honor of Sid Ames & Eugene Brindis.   That would be the sound system that was recently improved upon and made possible through the generous donations of TBI members in honor of our past president, Ira Keltz.  You will find this acknowledged as you enter the sanctuary.

I hope you’ll find as much joy as I did in rediscovering these ‘lost’ treasures and new additions.  Now that the documents are in a more prominent spot, we can all appreciate their historical significance and the dedication of those who came before us, just as the other adornments on our sanctuary walls.   The “Etz Chaim” wood carving and the carved Hebrew letters spelling out Torah Ohr above the ark, were hand crafted by Jim Goren, of blessed memory, husband of our member Barbara Goren.  The beautiful stone tablets were donated by the Morgenstern family, also of blessed memory.   The candelabra on the wall adjacent to the where the documents now hang was given in memory of Samuel Rosen, and these are just the memorials in the sanctuary.  The school wing is named for the Brindis family.  Rooms in the wing were made possible by donations from the Sawyer, Selig, and Gordon families.  These are just a few of the many memorials you will find.

I encourage you to take note of the plaques and memorials that adorn the walls.   They are written into the very fabric of our building and thereby creating a lasting legacy to those who came before us.   Now consider how your family might contribute to this legacy. Perhaps you’d like to honor the memory of beloved family members and by doing so, you’ll help to ensure that our temple continues to be a place of inspiration and connection for generations to come.

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