
Temple B’nai Israel represents the diverse mix of Jewish backgrounds found around the world today. Our spiritual practices incorporate customs from traditional conservativism to modern reform practice  We are affiliated with the reform Jewish movement providing worship, education, and Jewish-themed programs that reflect our strong commitment to continuing Jewish values. We may be the family that you just haven’t met yet!

Our members span the spectrum from lifelong New Hampshire residents as well as those who have adopted New Hampshire as their home. From retirees to young families seeking to raise and educate their children in the relatively slower-paced lifestyle of the Lakes Region. Some congregants travel 40 to 50 miles to reach our Laconia location, as we are the only Jewish house of worship in the region. Other members are seasonal visitors to the Lakes Region who travel here to enjoy skiing, boating, hiking, and relaxation while maintaining contact with the local Jewish community. Year-round residents and seasonal visitors are always welcome to participate in any temple function.

Membership dues provide TBI with most of its operating income.  The future and well-being of TBI as the center of the Lakes Region Jewish community relies on our income from dues. For those who can pay it is essential that they do pay. However,  no new applicant is denied membership due to their financial situation; accommodations can and will be made. We would love to have you join us as a member

We invite you to join us at any service or program to sample the pleasures and satisfactions offered by membership in the TBI community.  Click here to access the calendar of services and events.

We look forward to your interest in joining our congregation.  Please use our CONTACT FORM and our membership chair will contact you.


Questions about membership?  Send us an email – [email protected]

We offer three levels of membership:

Sustainer Membership ($1,500 per year***) benefits include:

    • Participation in all High Holiday services and programs, in person or on Zoom,
    • Shabbat Services on alternate Friday evenings throughout the year, in person or on Zoom,
    • An engaging Adult Education program led by our rabbi and guest presenters.
    • Religious school education for children and grandchildren of members when it is not appropriate or possible for parental membership,
    • Holiday observance and programming for Jewish holidays,
    • Celebration of life cycle events,
    • Stimulating social events,
    • Opportunities to volunteer on temple committees that support the temple as well as in the larger Lakes Region community.
    • Members may purchase burial plots in the consecrated Temple cemetery located in Laconia at special rates. (For further information, visit the Cemetery section of our website.

***New Members may join at a special rate of $750 for the first year of membership.

Builders Membership benefits include Sustainer benefits plus:

    • Builders ($1,815 per year) receive a complimentary listing in the Memorial Book for Yizkor on Yom Kippur and complimentary reminders of Yahrzeits during the year

Benefactors Membership benefits include Sustainer and Builders benefits plus:

    • Benefactors, ($2,130 per year) in addition to the Builder benefits, will receive recognition on our Tree of Life.

Associate Member ($750) Full Sustainer member benefits for seasonal visitors to New Hampshire who are current members of another temple.

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