Temple B’nai Israel recently brought the spirit of Passover to the wider Lakes Region community by hosting a Model Seder for clergy and lay leaders from six local churches. Representatives from the First Congregational Church of Meredith, the Unitarian Universalist Society of Laconia, Center Harbor Congregational Church, the Laconia Congregational Church, the New Covenant Christian Church, and the Church of Second Chances joined with members of TBI for a Seder led by Rabbi Jan Katz and TBI member Laurie Eisenberg.
A unique Haggadah, the text containing the story and instructions for the Passover Seder, was created specifically for this event to bridge the gap between faiths, making the story of the Exodus meaningful for all.
“Passover commemorates the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egyptian bondage as recounted in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). It also heralds our emergence from winter’s darkness into spring’s light. Today we welcome our non-Jewish friends to a model Jewish Passover seder and invite you to participate in the prayers, rituals, and foods so beloved by Jews the world over.”

Following the tradition of a festive Passover meal, a delicious lunch was prepared by our talented TBI kitchen “mavens” and enjoyed by all who attended.

The positive impact of the Model Seder was evident in a comment shared by a church leader: “I left today’s Seder feeling so warm and welcome (and well fed!). Thank you so much for inviting us. It was a wonderful experience.”
This interfaith event beautifully exemplifies Temple B’nai Israel’s commitment to building bridges and fostering understanding across religious traditions.