Chevre (Friends),
For the High Holidays we will having hybrid services, which means people can attend in person or by Zoom. Everyone brings a host of considerations to their choice and only they know what is the best one for themselves and their family. Hybrid means just that; we will gather as a single congregation by way of Zoom and in person attendance.
Gathering safely in person has many components: social distancing/limited seating capacity, wearing masks, the noise that goes with more ventilation, and vaccination requirements. There have been long hours of meeting and discussion both by the COVID Committee and the Board as they have strived to balance the challenges of hybrid services, setting up safe protocols for attending in person and keeping the Zoom component an integral part of services. There is no certain path to re-opening, and we will not all agree on the details of the plan or even its major components. What I do hope is that we will show courtesy and respect to the Temple members who are administering our synagogue’s plan. Their help is essential for charting our road to being safely together in our TBI home.
L’shannah Tovah, a happy, safe, and joyous New Year to everyone. I look forward to celebrating the Holidays with you, at TBI and on Zoom,
Rabbi Dan