A blue image of an animal with its head down.The Shem Tov (good name) Awards were created by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire to recognize volunteers from organizations across New Hampshire who have provided outstanding service to the Jewish community.

This year our long-time members, Rhoda Goodman and Sue Needleman, were selected for their continued dedication to TBI and in particular the NH Jewish Food Festival.  Rhoda and Sue join an esteemed list of previous winners including Naomi and Mark Goldman, Suzanne Appleton, Karen Ostroff-Rines, Barbara Katz, Karen Lukeman, Jared Aronson (z’l), Stu Needleman, Ken Goodman, Gary Broom, Jonathan and Glenna Lee, Bryan Halperin, Irene Gordon, Lou Gaynor, Marsha Ostroff-Rines. Sharon Fleischman, Barbara Morgenstern (z’l), Joel Bader, Robert Selig, Joel and Melody Funk, Marty Fox, Jerry Fleischman, Henry Lipman, Mark Aronson, Joyce Selg, and Deb Abair.

Eshet Chayil – A Woman of Valor

“A woman of valor, who can find?” is the opening of the twenty-two verse poem found in the Book of Proverbs (Proverbs 31) that pays tribute to a woman of valor for her energy, her righteousness, and her capabilities. TBI’s own Jewish Food Festival “Mavens” are being honored for all these qualities and more.

Rhoda and Sue met when they each joined TBI after moving to the Lakes Region to retire with their husbands, Ken and Stu. They quickly found a commonality in their dedication and devotion to all things Jewish. They volunteered together, worshipped together, shared the ups and downs of their personal lives, and through it all, they formed a close bond that led them to co-chair the Jewish Food Festival cooking and baking teams. Working hand-in-hand, they planned the menu, tested old and new recipes, recruited volunteers, tested more recipes, and then they cooked. Matzah ball soup, knishes, latkes, and many other Food Festival favorites, all have the “Goodman-Needleman” seal of approval. A monumental job by two “Eshet Chayil,” women of valor. Mazel tov and yasher koach to our Jewish Food Festival mavens.

Rabbi Katz gathers Rhoda and Sue with her tallit as they chant the Torah blessing before Rabbi Alan Katz chants the beginning Parsha, Genesis Chapter 1, verse 1.

Award presentation on  October 28, 2022

Friday evening Shabbat service
David Goldstone, JFNH Board Member
and President of Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation

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